maanantai 24. tammikuuta 2011

About Seroquel withdrawal (DO NOT DO IT)

It is quite clear that after Zyprexa 20mg and because of my current condition I'm stuck with medicines forever.

However, the problem with Seroquel is that if Seroquel INSTANT-RELEASE: low dose is used this keeps opening and closing the receptors and apparently causes fluctuations in blood vessel thinning and closening. This again destroys your internal organs because of there is too much fluctuations between adrenaline blockade that control blood vessels. Because of this Seroquel XR 200mg is maybe (I can be wrong!) the only correct drug here. Also, when you withdraw with Seroquel IR 400mg/night you must keep your seroquel levels STABLE so that adrenaline blockade doesn't fluctuate and cause problems. (Seroquel 50mg - 250mg is adrenergic blocking range). During withdrawal one should continuously use oxygen mask or something (exercise isn't good because it increases adrenaline and draws blood AWAY from your organs). => Adrenergic blockade should be withdrawn with low dose of Risperdal which has LONG half-life and should be super-slow. Or using Seroquel IR MANY times during a day (you really need seroquel XR 50mg tables or something). Adrenergic receptors must desenstize so the withdrawal must be SUPER slow (year from Seroquel 200mg to 0mg).

Another issue is the high dopamine blockade from which there may not be easy solution. Once dopamine receptors are upregulated they don't down-regulate so easily (as does nothing, brain ages) and they cause NMDA receptors to malfunction which causes glutamate toxicity which keeps killing brain cells. Because of this the withdrawal from dopamine should be slow too. Medicines with short half-life are disasterious (toxic) here too, dopamine blockade changes causes glutamate built-ups which keeps damaging brain cells.

=> Seroquel levels MUST BE STABLE. Fluctuations in binding kills you.

Based on this the correct withdrawal from seroquel 400mg/night would be (I can be wrong!):

Seroquel 400mg/night (LOTS of exercise)
Seroquel 200mg/night, Seroquel 100mg/morning, 25mg/day
Seroquel 150mg/night, Seroquel 75mg/morning, 25mg/day (LOTS OF OXYGEN, no-adrenaline)
Seroquel 100mg/night, Seroquel 100mg/morning, 25mg/day
Seroquel 50mg, 4 times a day
Seroquel 25mg, 8 times a day?
Seroquel 0mg

Withdrawal should be SLOW and levels should be super stable. Little adrenaline and maximum oxygen to internal organs. Alternalive (BETTER!) option would be to switch to low dose of risperidone and withdraw with it.

If withdrawal is handled incorrectly IT KILLS YOU. Medicines with short-life times are DANGEROUS because too rapid fluctuations in receptor bindings and brain (and blood vessels) cannot handle too fast receptor binding changes (happens within 24 hours). Instead, the withdrawal must happen over course of several months or years. Direct reduction of seroquel IR (and prolong) doses KILLS YOU, seroquel must be taken many times a day. Especially with low-doses.

3 kommenttia:

  1. so i take 50 mg xr a night and wana stop i think its causeing anxiety and making me feel terrible been on it 2 years, is it ok to stop there is nothing less in xr only 50

  2. a sleep dr told me to go off seroqel and my other drugs cold turkey as they were not putting me to sleep. she thought my sleep would return back to normal with in 24 hours. It been two months and I can only sleep a few hours a night and I am facing serious health issue now. Going off cold turkey I believe put my body into shock. I throw up every time i am anxious. It put me in to sever panic attack and my whole body would start tremble. Now I am suffering dearly. Not being able to sleep or keep food down makes for very bad health. Yes, this drug is very evil.

  3. I quitted Seroquel from 200 mgs to ZERO in 3 days because cataracts and falls,the shrink just wanted to me to take even more or switch to another "medicament"... i don't know how i'm still alive, the pain was monstruous, after i developed hypertension crisis everyday for along time, i think i'm alive by luck...
